Poisonous Mushroom
Amanita muscaria |
Latiporus sulpurius |
Morchella taleciyosa |
Hericium erynacius |
Amanita muscaria |
Amanita ocreata |
Amanita phalloides |
Hypomyces hyalinu |
Mushroom possessing toxins that are harmful to living beings are called as poisonous mushrooms. Number of poisonous mushrooms is reported all over, in which few species are deadly poisonous. Identification of entire poisonous mushrooms is so difficult but it is most essential to know about the common features of poisonous mushrooms in general.
Few common attributes of poisonous mushroom |
Classification of poisonous mushrooms
Based on toxin presence, poisonous mushrooms |
Presence of warts and scales on pileus or cap
Umbrella or parasol shaped cap
Presence of bulbous or round ball at the base of stipe
Attractive and brilliant coloured mushrooms
Presence of annulus or ring around stem
Gill is thin and white
Small sized, brown coloured mushrooms
The above features are general in nature. Many poisonous mushrooms resembles like edible mushrooms and vice versa. Hence don’t eat mushrooms without knowing their details. Better identify through standard procedures or through recognized resource personals before eating wild mushrooms. |
Amatoxin mushrooms : Conocybe filaris, Lepiota josserandii
Psilocybin mushrooms : Psilocybe cyanescens, Paneolus cyanescens
Cylopeptid mushrooms : Amanita phalloides, Amanita verna
Orellanine mushrooms : Cortinarius orellanus, Cortinarius rubellus
Muscimol mushrooms : Amanita gemmata, Amanita pantherina
Monomethylhydrazine mushrooms : Gyromitra esculenta
Muscarine histamine mushrooms :Omphalotus olivascens, Inocybe fastigata
Coprine mushrooms : Coprinus variegatus, Coprinus atramentarius
Gyromitrin mushrooms : Gyromitra esculenta, Gyromitra infula |
Folklore about poisonous mushrooms
Local people identify poisonous mushrooms by adopting certain keys or criteria of their own. These local keys and criteria are applicable to their own geographical regions alone. Hence these local keys and criteria are non reliable in general. |